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Cambridgeshire Short Mat Bowls

Aussie pai_
Championships and N Q
Sunday 27th April
CSMBA end of winter season
Chairman's Drive & members social at MIBC
Details to follow
Sunday 1st June         MIBC

 David  will send out entry forms 
         01553 828791 davidwilcox1111@gmail.com
What is Short Mat Bowls?

Welcome to the website for the Cambridgeshire Short Mat Bowls Association (CSMBA) where we hope you will find all the information you need to enjoy short mat bowls at any level.

If this is a game which you have not played before here is a brief overview.  Please also play the video above which shows a game between Alex Marshall and Ceri Jones.

Short mat bowls is played on a portable mat which is between 40 and 45 feet in length and 6 feet wide.  It is played indoors and can be accommodated in village halls, schools, sports and social clubs etc as the mats are rolled up for storage so do not need a permanent area.

You bowl to a smaller ball called the jack and the object of the game is for your woods to be nearer the jack than the opposition. However this involves skills and tactical knowledge which are gained the more you play.

The England Short Mat Bowling Association is the national body for the sport and was formed in 1984 with a nucleus now approaching 20,000 members. The game arrived in Cambridgeshire at this time and the CSMBA was formed. We currently have 18 member clubs with a membership over 400.

All our clubs adhere to the principles laid down by our Child Protection Policy and provide a safe and social environment for all ages.  For the competitive minded there are opportunities to play in various leagues and enter open competitions.

Bowls is an excellent way to keep fit, it can be played by all ages, sexes and abilities and is a very enjoyable way to spend your spare time and make some new friends.  

Why not give it a try - what have you got to lose?

I just want to make sure that you all know that you can show your availability for games in the calendar by using the website.  

Click on the drop down arrow next to your name at the top right hand corner of the front page once you have signed in and you will see "Match Availability".  Click on this and another page will come up with all matches and it gives you the chance to mark as appropriate.

This facility is useful to the County Captains when choosing their teams so the more of you who fill it in the better.


All are played at MELTON MOWBRAY IBC
LE13 0LR 


Under 18 Singles           Saturday 29th March
Michael Rossetti  (Cambs 1)
Rory Chapman ( Cambs 2 )
Singles        Thursday 10th April ( Cambs 1 )
Joe Peters
Pairs            Friday 11th April   ( Cambs 1 )
Brenda & Charlie Waling
Unfortunately there are no allocations for the 
Fours or Triples.
The CSMBA  committee congratulate all the players and wish them every success
Thursday 6th March
CAMBS Seniors vs Norfolk seniors
CAMBS League
2024 / 25
Congratulations to Walpole Highway "highwaymen" on winning Division 1 and Gorefield "wolfs"  being runners up

All enquiries and feed back regarding the content of this website should be directed  
to me Roly Fincham as CSMBA general secretary ( rolyfincham@yahoo.co.uk  )
To view ICC reports click on " FIXTURES and RESULTS" then click on the RED result 
which will then show the report for that result. If you wish to view a different report click the appropriate result shown in  RED.
The CSMBA committee wishes to remind all clubs that it is imperative that all players / members must be registered with the ESMBA through the CSMBA membership secretary . This reminder is brought about by an unregistered player taking part in a competition , resulting in the CSMBA being reported to the ESMBA .
ESMBA  Pairs / Fours weekend TORQUAY
         17th  to 20th October 2025
    See ESMBA  website for details


I know that some of you wish to change the automatically generated password which is sent to you as it is very complicated to remember. To do this log in using the password which you have been given then click on "My Profile" under the log in box and go across to "Update my Profile".  Where it asks for your password enter the one which you wish to use in both boxes and then "Save Details".  You will now be able to use your own choice of password.  Any problems please contact me.

County Premier Team Squad 2025/2026

Angela Randall
Barry Fox
Billy Chapman
Brenda Waling
Charlie Waling
Colin Buck
Craig Buck
Dave Wilcox
Dawn Finham
Derek Retchless
Hazel Spry
Jane Stanford
Jayne Thorpe
Jean Retchless
Rob Lawton   
Peter Griffiths
Jeff Saunders
Joe Peters
John Boddye
Josie Charter
Kevin Stanford
Linda White
Mary Fox
Maureen Bell
Phil Spry
Rob Bonello
Roly Fincham
Rosemary Cooper
Rosemary Richardson
Steph Stanford
Barry  Stanford
Malcolm Spriggs
Ladies Squad 2025/2026

Anyta Francis  Judith Bendon
Angela Jordan
Brenda Waling
Edna Ruggles
Gwen Siggee
Hazel Spry
Jackie Saunders 
Jane Brady 
Jane Spriggs
Jane Stanford
Janet Goff
Jayne Thorpe

Jean Retchless
Josie Charter
Joyce Needham

Linda White
Liz Mitchell
Lynn Bignall
Margaret Pearce
Mary Fox
Maureen Bell
Rita Payne
Rosemary Cooper
Rosemary Richardson
Sandra Smith
Steph Stanford
Tori Stanford
Val Ware
Viv Hempsell
Yvonne Monaghan

Seniors Squad 2025/2026

Alan Francis John Boddye
Anyta Francis Josie Charter
Barry Fox Billy Chapman
Barry Stanford Kevin Stanford
Brenda Waling Linda Cave
Brian Beecham Linda White
Charlie Waling Lynn Bignall
Colin Buck Lynn Boddye
Dave Bignall Malcolm Spriggs
Dave Wilcox Margaret Pearce
Dawn Fincham Mary Fox
Derek Retchless Maureen Bell
Geoff Ward
Phil Spry
Jane Stanford Richard Kinghorn
Janet Goff Rob Bonello
Jayne Thorpe Rosemary Cooper
Jean Retchless Steph Stanford
Joe Peters Val Ware
John Goff Wayne Locke
Peter Griffiths