Roy Everitt Triples
Seventeen teams took part in the Roy Everitt Triples completion held on 1 April 2017 at March Indoor Bowls Club. After a good day’s bowling the winners were Gary Flack, Janet Hinson and Josie Charter - 8 points +20 shots, second Mary Paddy, Richard Paddy and Jay Francis - 7 points +12 shots and third Linda White, Janet Russell and Robert Spriggs - 6 points +27 shots.
Scores for the remaining teams were as follows:-
Mary Fox, Barry Fox and Geoff Ward - 0 points -38 shots, Rob Bonello, Gwen Siggee and Jayne Thorpe - 2 points -10 shots, Tony Turner, R Perkins and S Turner - 6 points +18 shots, Tony Hart, John Goff and Janet Goff - 6 points +16 shots, Margaret Rea, Patrick Bretagne and Dave Warriner - 2 points -29 shots, Bob Tills, Pam Martell and Sandra Deller 2 points +1 shot, Margaret Hastings, Joanne Clements and Derek Adams - 3 points -4 shots, Sheila Page, Rosemary Richardson and John Page - 4 points -2 shots, Chris Plaice, Viv Hempsell and Gerry Russell - 3 points +2 shots, Norah Martin, Pam Fayers and John Paddy - 6 points -2 shots, June Bridgestock, Vera Emery and Colin Buck - 6 points +26 shots, Doreen Butcher, Judith Fox and Ray Fox - 1 point -19 shots, Margaret Newton, Jane Spriggs and Barrie Newton - 2 points -15 shots, Jean Retchless, Charlie Waling and Derek Retchless - 4 points -7 shots.