Cambridgeshire Short Mat Bowls News story

Clean Sweep for Doddington Players in County Championships

01 Jul 2017

The Cambridgeshire County Championships were held over two days with all disciplines being won by players from Doddington Short Mat Bowls Club.  They will now represent the County in April at the ESMBA Nationals in Melton Mowbray along with other placed teams dependent upon the amount of spaces allocated to Cambridgeshire. 

The results were as follows:- 

Singles:           1st         Joe Peters

                        2nd        Janet Russell

                        3rd         Linda White

Pairs:              1st         Brian and Rob Elmore

                        2nd        Bill Harrison and Joe Peters

                        3rd         Doreen Butcher and Josie Charter

Triples:            1st         Pauline, Brian and Rob Elmore

                        2nd        Mary Fox, Geoff Ward and Barry Fox

                        3rd         Jean Retchless, Tony Groves and Derek Retchless

Fours:              1st         Jeff Saunders, Bill Harrison, Rob Elmore and Joe Peters

                        2nd        Mary Fox, Geoff Ward, Gerry Russell and Barry Fox

                        3rd         Rob Bonello, Jayne Thorpe, Vivienne Hempsell and Gwen Siggee