Cambridgeshire Short Mat Bowls News story

County Championship Mixed Fours

19 Aug 2018

Five teams competed for the County Championship Mixed Fours, the second year that this competition has been run.  After a very close result which hinged on the last end of the last game, the winners this year were Doreen Butcher, Tony Groves, Judith and Ray Fox with 7 point +14 shots.  In second place were Linda White, Janet Russell, Gerry Russell and Joe Peters on 5 points +16 shots, third Brenda Waling, Jean Retchless, Charlie Waling and Derek Retchless with 4 points -4 shots, then Margaret Rea, Patrick Bretagne, Margaret and Barrie Newton - 2 point -9 shots and Mary Fox, Josie Charter, Geoff Ward and Barry Fox on 2 points -17 shots.

The winners automatically qualify to go to the Nationals next year.