Cambridgeshire Short Mat Bowls News story

4 wood under 18 singles national qualifier and county championship

26 Jan 2025

County Championship Under 18’s (4 wood) Singles and  National Qualifier : Sunday 26th January 2025


Two players entered the singles championship and it is the first time for many years that the CSMBA have had the opportunity of holding this event.

The CSMBA met the entry and ESMBA fees to encourage our young members to play these events.


The match was played in excellent conditions during the lunch break of the triples competition which allowed all the adults in the venue at March IBC to watch the game.


After some good bowling and a lot of touchers over 9 ends the eventual winner by 13 shots to 5 was Michael Rossetti (15 years) over Rory Chapman (13 years).


All those watching commented on how well our two young members stood up to the pressure of an audience.


The two young men won a lot of a praise and regardless of the result there were handshakes all round. Both participants were awarded a glass memento to keep as a reminder of the day, along with a very large bar of chocolate!


The CSMBA committee remain hopeful of running this event again next year with perhaps one or two more of our young members taking part.


Michael will represent Cambridgeshire in the Under 18’s singles at Melton Mowbray IBC on

Saturday 29th March and we all wish him the best of luck on the day.





David Wilcox

CSMBA Interim Competitions Secretary