Our penultimate game of the season was a home game on Sunday 3rd December against Suffolk. We were hoping to win to secure second place in our group.
The singles both won one game and lost one. The pairs won two and triples one unfortunately no bon... [ Read more ]
A total of 20 teams entered this years pairs county championship of which 10 elected to
enter the national qualifier. The event was held at Wisbech St Mary Sports & Community Centre as our usual venue at March IBC was unavailable.
Special thanks mus... [ Read more ]
On 12 November Cambridgeshire played their old friends and rivals Suffolk in an ICC game at Stowmarket.
The Singles performed well winning three out of four games and gaining the bonus points.
Unfortunately the Pairs tried hard but lost all of their... [ Read more ]
On the 5th November the County Premier team travelled to play the Norfolk team at Hingham. We knew in advance that we were going to have the toughest game ever, the opposing team are from a considerably larger County and contains several England pla... [ Read more ]
A total of 36 players had entered this years singles county championship of which 18 had elected to enter the national qualifier.
Unfortunately one player did not attend but thankfully Jane Stanford kindly stepped in as reserve at the last minute to... [ Read more ]
 On Sunday 24 September the county team travelled to play their first game of the season against Northampton and we wore our new shirts and fleeces sponsored by TL Productions in March.
The first round of singles unfortunately lost both of their game... [ Read more ]
Twelve teams entered this year's county championship and national qualifier. Seven teams had pre-entered the national qualifier. The twelve teams were divided into three groups by way of open draw. The top two teams from each group would go into th... [ Read more ]
Twelve teams entered this years county championship for players aged 55 and over as of 1st September 2023. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control it was not possible to run this event as a national qualifier, but it is hoped that we ma... [ Read more ]
Thirteen teams were assembled to play in a charity triples match held at MIBC on Saturday 22nd July. Proceeds from the event were to be donated to ‘Cancer Care and Treatment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn (More commonly known as the Macmil... [ Read more ]
Following the trials for the England Ladies squad which were held in April two players have this year been selected for the team, both Cambridgeshire players being from Doddington SMBC. Congratulations to Hazel Spry who has earned her place at the f... [ Read more ]